Furnished apartment for monthly rent in Jeddah, Alsalamah neighborhood
Furnished apartment for monthly rent in Jeddah, Alsalamah neighborhood
💠 Bedroom, living room, kitchen, and two bathrooms
🔹 Bedroom
🔹 Living room
🔹 Kitchen
🔹 Two bathrooms
💠 Property features
🔹 Includes electricity and water
🔹 Internet service available
🔹 Maintenance service available throughout the contract period
🔹 Security service
🔹 Elevator in the building
🔹 Newly furnished
🔹 All services available around you (supermarket - pharmacy - restaurants)
💠 Location features
🔸 5 minutes away from Yammah Walk
🔸 6 minutes away from Alsalamah Centro
🔸 9 minutes away from Baqdo Hospital and Dr. Erfan Al Am
▫️ Fawal license number 1200000665
▫️ Advertisement license number 7200132270
💠 Bedroom, living room, kitchen, and two bathrooms
🔹 Bedroom
🔹 Living room
🔹 Kitchen
🔹 Two bathrooms
💠 Property features
🔹 Includes electricity and water
🔹 Internet service available
🔹 Maintenance service available throughout the contract period
🔹 Security service
🔹 Elevator in the building
🔹 Newly furnished
🔹 All services available around you (supermarket - pharmacy - restaurants)
💠 Location features
🔸 5 minutes away from Yammah Walk
🔸 6 minutes away from Alsalamah Centro
🔸 9 minutes away from Baqdo Hospital and Dr. Erfan Al Am
▫️ Fawal license number 1200000665
▫️ Advertisement license number 7200132270
Property Information
- TypeApartment
- PurposeFor Rent
- Bayut IDBayut - 87615313
- FurnishingFurnished
- Added on10 February 2025
Features / Amenities
Water Supply
REGA Verified Information
- FAL License Number1200000665
- Advertising License Number7200419059
- License Issue Date23 January 2025
- License Expiry Date22 January 2026
- Regionمنطقة مكة المكرمة
- CityJeddah
- DistrictAl Salamah
- Street Nameصقر قريش
- Postal Code23436
- Building No3889
- Additional No7157
- Latitude21.5850303608783
- Longitude39.16125887446607
Property Specs
- Advertisement TypeFor Rent
- Listing UsageResidential Land
- Listing TypeApartment
- Price48000
- Area Size495
- Number of Rooms2
- ElectricityYes
Additional Information
- Listing Age6 years
- Street Width0
- Plan Number3 / 238 / ع
- Deed Number481724000117
- Listing Face-
- Borders and Lengths-
- Guarantees and Duration-
- ChannelsLicensed platform, Bulletin board, Social media platforms, Radio, Other
- Obligations on Listingلا
- Compliance with Saudi Building Code-
- Is Listing PawnedNo
- Is Listing ConstrainedNo
- Land Number63 / أ
- Notes-
Property Borders
- Nameقطعة
- Descriptionرقم 64
- Lengthاثنين و عشرون متر و خمسون سنتمتر
- Nameقطعة
- Descriptionرقم 59
- Lengthاثنين و عشرون متر
- Nameشارع
- Descriptionعرض 12م
- Lengthاثنين و عشرون متر
- Nameقطعة
- Descriptionرقم 62
- Lengthاثنين و عشرون متر و خمسون سنتمتر
Location & Nearby
The location is fetched and verified by REGALocation Description as per Deed:حي السلامة بمدينة جدة .