Farm for sale in Al Awali, Makkah
Features of the farm site:
Located on Wadi Samar opposite Arafat from the south behind the train station on the way to Al-Hada Taif
Close to Umm Al-Qura University (from the farm gate to the Umm Al-Qura University gate approximately 1 km)
The farm is behind the Holy Sites Train Operation Center
It has approximately more than 50 fruitful palm trees and their ages are young
The farm is currently rented as a resort
It has a green area of the Gospel estimated at 2000 SQM
Located on Wadi Samar opposite Arafat from the south behind the train station on the way to Al-Hada Taif
Close to Umm Al-Qura University (from the farm gate to the Umm Al-Qura University gate approximately 1 km)
The farm is behind the Holy Sites Train Operation Center
It has approximately more than 50 fruitful palm trees and their ages are young
The farm is currently rented as a resort
It has a green area of the Gospel estimated at 2000 SQM
Property Information
- TypeFarm
- PurposeFor Sale
- Bayut IDBayut - 87609991
- CompletionReady
- FurnishingUnfurnished
- Added on16 January 2025
Features / Amenities
Water Supply
REGA Verified Information
- FAL License Number1100046263
- Advertising License Number7100104495
- License Issue Date18 September 2024
- License Expiry Date9 July 2025
- Regionمنطقة مكة المكرمة
- CityMakkah
- DistrictAl Awali
- Street Name11
- Postal Code24375
- Building No3757
- Additional No7390
- Latitude21.329673117130238
- Longitude39.897976007312565
Property Specs
- Advertisement TypeFor Sale
- Listing UsageAgriculture Plot
- Listing TypeFarm
- Price8000000
- Area Size11973.48
- Number of Rooms-
- ElectricityYes
- SewerageYes
Additional Information
- Listing Age10 years
- Street Width11
- Plan Number-
- Deed Number360001333424
- Listing FaceSouthern
- Borders and Lengths-
- Guarantees and Duration-
- ChannelsSocial media platforms, Bulletin board, Licensed platform, Other
- Obligations on Listingلايوجد
- Compliance with Saudi Building Code-
- Is Listing PawnedNo
- Is Listing ConstrainedNo
- Land Numberبدون
- Notes-
Property Borders
- Nameملك
- Descriptionالجفالى
- Lengthمختلف يبدا من الشرق بطول 33.15م ثم ينحرف غربا مائلا للجنوب بطول 144.10ثم يستمر غربا بطول 7.70م ثم ينحرف غربا مائلا للشمال بطول 20.10م
- Nameبلاد
- Descriptionعون وعائد الشريف العبدلي
- Lengthتسعة و ثمانون متر و ثلاثون سنتمتر
- Nameبلاد
- Descriptionسعد العبدلى
- Lengthثمانية و ستون متر و خمسون سنتمتر
- Name.
- Descriptionمشرب الفاصل بين المحدود والوادى المعروف بوادى سمار
- Lengthمختلف يبدا من الشرق بطول 159م ثم ينحرف غربا مائلا للشمال بطول 86.20م مشرب البلاد الجنوبى 8من جهة الشرق والغرب
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Location & Nearby
The location is fetched and verified by REGALocation Description as per Deed:كامل البلاد ارضا وبناء الكائنة بوادى سمار على يمين الذاهب الى الطائف عن طريق الهدى والمشتمله على بلاد معقمه بعقوم ترابيه ومحاطه باشجار الاثل واللوز واشجار اخرى ومزرعة بخضروات متنوعه وذره وبرسيم ونخل وليمون وبداخلها ثلاثه ابار عائديه
Agent:Fatimah Abdullah Bin Hasan Bin Hasan