Land For Sale in Asiyah, Qassim
Land for sale in asyahah, Qassim
Scheme Number ( 1 / 7 / 64 / a )
Part no. (2066 )
Area (552) sqm
South Street width ( 15) m
Featured location
It is located within the boundaries of the Haram al-Sharif, providing you with easy access to the Holy Mosque and it is only 7.5 kilometers from the Haram, which is equivalent to 13 minutes by car or bus
The nature of a flat Earth
Close to all services
This land is located close to all basic services, such as markets, restaurants, hospitals and schools, and it is also close to Mecca buses No. 278.
price: 2,100,000 million
Scheme Number ( 1 / 7 / 64 / a )
Part no. (2066 )
Area (552) sqm
South Street width ( 15) m
Featured location
It is located within the boundaries of the Haram al-Sharif, providing you with easy access to the Holy Mosque and it is only 7.5 kilometers from the Haram, which is equivalent to 13 minutes by car or bus
The nature of a flat Earth
Close to all services
This land is located close to all basic services, such as markets, restaurants, hospitals and schools, and it is also close to Mecca buses No. 278.
price: 2,100,000 million
Property Information
- TypeCommercial Land
- PurposeFor Sale
- Bayut IDBayut - 87559100
- Added on24 June 2024
REGA Verified Information
- FAL License Number1100015756
- Advertising License Number7100030559
- License Issue Date19 September 2023
- License Expiry Date30 June 2024
- Regionمنطقة القصيم
- CityAsiyah
- District-
- Street Name-
- Postal Code72626
- Building No7262
- Additional No7272
- Latitude24
- Longitude24
Property Specs
- Advertisement TypeFor Sale
- Listing UsageCommercial
- Listing TypeCommercial Land
- Price200
- Area Size686
- Number of Rooms-
- No Service
Additional Information
- Listing Age-
- Street Width20
- Plan Number-
- Deed Number460001183049
- Listing FaceSouthern
- Borders and Lengths-
- Guarantees and Duration-
- ChannelsBulletin board, Radio, Social media platforms, Licensed platform, Other
- Obligations on Listingلايوجد
- Compliance with Saudi Building Code-
- Is Listing PawnedNo
- Is Listing ConstrainedNo
- Land Number-
- Notes-
Property Borders
Loan Calculator
Location & Nearby
The location is fetched and verified by REGALocation Description as per Deed:N/A
Agent:Mohammed Mofleh Marshed Al Mutairi