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We are all used to seeing the typical buildings everyday, these usual mundane boxes that make us feel like life never change, but every once in a while architectural companies surprise us with amazing designs that sometimes go beyond that and reach the level of being crazy or impossible to have existed! sometimes these buildings are inspired from nature, and sometimes they are inspired from metaphorical meanings, today we shall introduce you to a list of weird buildings from Saudi Arabia and the world, so buckle up and hold your breath as we take you into a journey in a world of madness and genius architecture that mankind have created.
Strange and weird buildings around the world
The flying tower

You did not read that wrong! you don’t have to read it twice, just a while ago a company with the name of Clouds AO has announced their latest creation, a conceptual tower design called Analima, which is basically just like you read in the title, a flying tower!
The tower will float above the surface of the earth at a height of 32km, and the secret to its ability against gravity is that they will tie it up with a space asteroid by metal cables that are 35,754km in length, their idea however faces a cruel hardship which is the high costs of tying a large scale building to something outside of mother earth, but the company didn’t back down suggesting that it should be built in Dubai to benefit of their cheap labor then move it to Newyork where it’s known for high real estate prices.
Although their conceptual design was buried and never saw the sunlight, just taking a look at their rendered imaginary pictures would make you feel that this tower, if ever built, will be the craziest building of all time.
The crooked house

In 1949 agatha christie released a novel called the crooked house, then 55 years later An actual crooked house was designed, although it is still a mystery whether that was the inspiration behind it or not, the similarity between names goes in the meaning at least, where crooked is meant to describe what is twisted, dishonest, and unbearing.
The crazy within this building is the structural engineering, how could a building with such twisted walls stand still without cracking to its core structure?
It almost looks like art from a Disney movie rather than a building, despite the fancy façade, the building is actually a commercial hub reaching 4000m2 in space in Poland.
This building was designed by Zalesky and Szotynscy and the concept behind it was actually fairytales. If you ever visit Poland make sure to snap some pictures, and share them with us in the comment section below.
The basket building

This building is located in Ohio in the united states of America and its considered the main office for longaberger company that specializes in basketball, where this building was inspired! if you take the term basket ball, reduce it to basket literal meaning, then you will get the idea behind the building, it’s as simple as that, isn’t that amazing?
well apparently not to everyone, some architects consider this method a failure in design, while some consider it art.
It took 2 years to complete this building, where you could see a wonderful creation of art that reforms a shape that exists in our everyday lives to a major structure.
Dancing tower

When the stars of the architectural scene collaborate together to design a building, it is only reasonable that a masterpiece would be the result.
Both famous architecture Faldo melonk and the genius of all time Frank Gehry, collaborated together, then that’s where the dancing tower emerged! and behind this building a sweet story, it is said that there was once two brilliant dancers named fred and ginger that rose to stardom and were the icons of dancing back in the 1930s black and white movies, their light yet flexible moves took away viewers breath, apparently the two towers stand for fred and ginger, one designed traditionally for support as fred used to support ginger and one is twisted in the way ginger used to sway to the rhythm.
Niterói Contemporary Art Museum

You cannot visit niteroi city in brazil without passing by this wonderful museum, which is considered one of the main attractions in the city, This alien like building seems like it spiraled down from an outer planet, with its UFO design, It is 16m in height, based on a cylindrical column that is 50m in diameter, which makes it float above earth with a panoramic view, Designed by non-other than the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer, who planned the entire city of Brasilia, and won Pritzker award (Equivalent to Nobel prize for architects) back in 1988 when he was 82 years old.
Another name for this museum is MAC, it is notable to mention that it cost around 6 Million dollars to build back in the day, and it’s now home to more than 1000 Brazilian historical art pieces.
Cubic houses
They are known for being one of the strangest designs, so if you were looking for weird structures to visit, cubic houses in Holland won’t let you down! These fantastic buildings were built with the shape of cubes of 6 faces each 45 degrees in 1984, you can enjoy visiting it and the restaurants that are nearby as well as the museum nearby it.
What about the largest weird buildings in the world?
If you were looking for the largest, not the weirdest, then take a quick look at our list, the size of these buildings is surely enormous.
The new century center
The height of this building reaches 100m, and it’s over the space of 1,755,867 km, as it reaches 3 times the size of the American pentagon, it also has an artificial lake, a shopping center, an artificial sun in its glass house ceiling that provides light and warmth day and evening, which is how night doesn’t even exist in this center.
Such a building exists in china, and it is the largest building in the world.
Boeing building and factory

The famous airline Boeing, of course would be on this list, their famous plane factory in Washington in the united states of America is known for its large space, where all Boeing 777,747,768,787 planes are built, on the space of 398,000 sqm.
We have mentioned all about weird buildings in the world in a list of wonderful buildings from the past and the present, you should really visit them if you ever had the chance to, if you enjoyed this article why not read about the history of architectural evolution in Saudi Arabia? or the world of colors and their meanings?
all and more on our Bayut ksa blog that specializes in everything real estate!
leave a comment if you have seen weird buildings during your trips around the world.