holidays to saudi arabia 2022 are those times of the year when we feel we have free time to do whatever we want. Knowing our days off throughout the year means we can plan ahead whether for planning a trip, traveling, or even family and friends gathering where we create unforgettable memories away from daily routine or life stressors. So what are public holidays in KSA for the year 2022 where both private and public sectors can be on a vacation with some exceptions. This article will help you know what Saudi holidays are.
Saudi holidays 2022
Day | Month | Name |
Day Saturday | Month 2 Apr | Name Eid Al Fitr |
Day Sunday | Month 3 Apr | Name Eid Al Fitr |
Day Monday | Month 4 Apr | Name Eid Al Fitr |
Day Tuesday | Month 5 Apr | Name Eid Al Fitr |
Day Thursday | Month 7 July | Name Arafat day |
Day Friday | Month 8 July | Name Eid ul Adha |
Day Saturday | Month 9 July | Name Eid ul Adha |
Day Sunday | Month 10 July | Name Eid ul Adha |
Day Friday | Month 23 Sep | Name Saudi National Day |
Ramadan less working hours

holidays in saudi arabia and specially holidays in jeddah saudi arabia, a lot of preparation happens before the holy month of Ramadan for families, companies, and different institutions. Ramadan means sacred rituals saudi holidays as for praying, fasting, doing all kinds of good deeds throughout different times of the day which changes the body and daily routine for many thus long working hours change accordingly to give Saudi citizens more space to practice worship. In this month there’s also an increase in purchasing goods and groceries like dates, Ramadan special desserts, Juices, and some other foods to maintain body energy. You will also see Ramadan decorations almost in every street and house, due to the fact that Ramadan of one of most special saudi holidays among all . If you’re planning for a special Ramadan in 2022, here are some of the facts about Ramadan 2022 in KSA:
- Ramadan mostly starts on April 2nd, 2022 – May 1st , 2022, according to the search for the moon when the kingdom officially announces the first day of Ramadan and as one of saudi holidays.
- Working hours change in saudi arabia holidays when the month officially starts.
Eid Al Fitr 2022

Since Ramadan is the month of worship, Eid Al Fitr- which is the first Saudi holidays as for Eids – comes after Ramadan to relax and soothe bodies Muslims Who’s been fasting and praying all month where Muslim festive season takes place and families visit each other or go on trips around the kingdom or even traveling since there will be a 4 days holiday as a national holiday.
- The holiday starts immediately after the end of Ramadan and remains for 4 days which will officially be announced on May 1st , 2022 till may 4th 2022.
Eid ul Adha 2022
Eid ul Adha is the second of Saudi Eid holidays as it comes immediately after Hajj season where Muslims tend to have special rituals like sacrificing animals to feed the poor and those in need.
- Eid ul Adha 2022 for saudi holidays remain for three days plus Arafat day on July 8th, 2022 – July 12th, 2022, which will be officially announced by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi national day holiday
This day is celebrated by Saudi Arabia as one of saudi holidays to commemorate the renaming of the Kingdom as it was called Nejd and Hejaz by a royal decree in 1932. Saudis attend national day is considered as a vacations saudi arabia to enjoy activities and celebrations organized by Entertainment Authority and it will be on Thursday, September 23 for the year 2022.
School holidays 2022
Name | Start date | End date |
Name First Semester | Start date 8 Aug 2021 | End date 24 Nov 2021 |
Name Mid Year Break | Start date 30 Dec 2021 | End date 15 Jan 2022 |
Name Eid Al-Fitr | Start date 25 Apr 2022 | End date 4 May, 2022 |
Name Summer’s Holiday | Start date 30 Jun 2022 | End date 28 Aug 2022 |
In brief, this was our article about Saudi holidays and saudi arabia vacations and more. If you liked our article about Saudi holidays and would like to know more about Ksa, why not check out the Amazon Saudi Arabia platform… benefits and guide? and get to know more about E-shopping, the best shopping websites in KSA. You can read more amazing articles about Saudi Arabia on our Bayut Ksa blog.
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