From basic texting between friends to more complex online shopping transactions, smartphones are already central to daily life in many countries. Now it seems the mobile internet revolution …
Latin Americans have perfected the art of staying positive, according to new research. The region is the happiest in the world, according to a recent survey of the …
A future house is a house with architecture and designs beyond expectations where looking at it from inside or out will wow you. This house will make life …
Luxury estates, super cars, mega yachts. If you were were a wealthy tech mogul, how would you spend your billions? Tomorrow, tech lovers the world over will celebrate …
The wardrobe is the most important piece of furniture in your bedroom for both men and women as it comes in different wardrobe designs since almost everyone likes …
Saudi Arabia takes good care of it’s artistic heritage where it builds top museums that fascinates its visitors, but where is the best museum in Riyadh and what …
No doubt you’ve heard of castles built for kings, archdukes, local lords and medieval rulers. But how about one with ties to a fictional Transylvanian vampire? The real …
The countdown is on. This week marks one month until the world is again gripped by football fever, as the 2014 FIFA World Cup kicks off on June 12. More …