الرياض حي المحمدية
Modern Contemporary Villa for Rent (Penthouse villa) with a Terrace and Unique City and Financial Center Views in One of Riyadh's Luxury Neighborhoods (Northern Area)
Property Description:
Location: This luxurious villa is located in the Al-Mohammadiyah neighborhood, in the northern part of Riyadh, in a prime area between King Fahd Road and Al-Takhassousi Street, on a wide street with a fantastic northern-facing view. The neighborhood is one of the most prestigious in Riyadh and is strategically located near several important landmarks.
Area: 270 square meters
Nearby Landmarks:
Financial District (KAFD): 3 km
King Saud University and Digital City: 5 km
Diplomatic Quarter (Al-Safarat): 9 km
Dallah Hospital: 3 km
Villa Features:
The villa consists of three floors with panoramic views of the city.
Equipped with an elevator and modern staircase with smart lighting control and security systems.
Floor Details:
First Floor:
Spacious reception area (Majlis)
Living room and an open lounge area
Dining area
A serviced suite including an internal kitchen, laundry room, and a maid's room
Second Floor:
Master bedroom suite designed for comfort and tranquility, with a side view
A large bathroom and a walk-in closet
Lounge area
Additional bedroom suite
A single bedroom
Third Floor:
Outdoor terrace with stunning panoramic views of the city
Bedroom suite and a spacious lounge
Entertainment area
Additional Parking and Annex:
Two private parking spaces at the front of the villa
An annex with a driver’s room and a separate entrance
A villa that combines luxurious design, modern amenities, and a strategic location, offering both comfort and elegance.
Property Description:
Location: This luxurious villa is located in the Al-Mohammadiyah neighborhood, in the northern part of Riyadh, in a prime area between King Fahd Road and Al-Takhassousi Street, on a wide street with a fantastic northern-facing view. The neighborhood is one of the most prestigious in Riyadh and is strategically located near several important landmarks.
Area: 270 square meters
Nearby Landmarks:
Financial District (KAFD): 3 km
King Saud University and Digital City: 5 km
Diplomatic Quarter (Al-Safarat): 9 km
Dallah Hospital: 3 km
Villa Features:
The villa consists of three floors with panoramic views of the city.
Equipped with an elevator and modern staircase with smart lighting control and security systems.
Floor Details:
First Floor:
Spacious reception area (Majlis)
Living room and an open lounge area
Dining area
A serviced suite including an internal kitchen, laundry room, and a maid's room
Second Floor:
Master bedroom suite designed for comfort and tranquility, with a side view
A large bathroom and a walk-in closet
Lounge area
Additional bedroom suite
A single bedroom
Third Floor:
Outdoor terrace with stunning panoramic views of the city
Bedroom suite and a spacious lounge
Entertainment area
Additional Parking and Annex:
Two private parking spaces at the front of the villa
An annex with a driver’s room and a separate entrance
A villa that combines luxurious design, modern amenities, and a strategic location, offering both comfort and elegance.
معلومات العقار
- نوع العقارفیلا
- نوع العرضللايجار
- رقم بيوت المرجعي87622393
- التأثيثغير مفروش
- تاريخ الإضافة11 مارس 2025
المزايا والخدمات
عداد كهرباء مستقل
مدخل خاص
صرف صحي
معلومات ترخيص الإعلان
- رقم رخصة فال1200011064
- رقم ترخيص الإعلان7200466770
- تاريخ إصدار الترخيص11 مارس 2025
- تاريخ انتهاء الترخيص30 مايو 2025
- المنطقةمنطقة الرياض
- المدينةالرياض
- الحيالمحمدية
- اسم الشارعالناصرة
- الرمز البريدي12361
- رقم المبنى4286
- الرقم الاضافي6986
- خط العرض24.729315584074545
- خط الطول46.655082026851964
تفاصيل العقار
- نوع الإعلانللإيجار
- استخدام العقار-
- نوع العقارفلل
- السعر290000
- المساحة270
- عدد الغرف4
خدمات العقار
- كهرباءنعم
- صرف صحينعم
- الياف ضوئيةنعم
تفاصيل اضافية
- عمر العقارجديد
- عرض الشارع25
- رقم المخطط1324 / ب
- رقم صك الملكية399181002857
- واجهة العقارشمالية
- حدود واطوال العقار-
- الضمانات والمدة-
- قنوات الاعلانمنصة مرخصة
- هل يوجد اي التزام على العقار ؟لا يوجد
- مطابقة لكود البناء السعودي-
- العقار مرهونلا
- العقار مقيدلا
- رقم الأرض65 / 1 / 2 / 5
- ملاحظات-
حدود العقار/الملكية
الموقع والأماكن القريبة
يتم جلب الموقع والتحقق منه بواسطة الهيئة العامة للعقاروصف موقع العقار حسب الصك:حي المحمدية في مدينة الرياض
هذا العقار لم يعد متوفرا بعد الآن

تنمية الاصول للعقارات
اسم المُعلن:Real Estates Development