اطلب فيديوResidential building for rent in As Sulay, Riyadh
Residential building for rent in full in Al Sulay district in Riyadh.
The building consists of 35 apartments with a total of 134 rooms and 74 bathrooms, making it an ideal choice for investors, companies, or individuals looking for a large residential unit for rent in Riyadh.
Building details:
Number of apartments: 35 residential apartments distributed on different floors.
Number of rooms: 134 rooms, appropriately distributed within the apartments. The apartments include bedrooms, living rooms, and multi-purpose rooms as needed.
Number of bathrooms: 74 bathrooms distributed proportionally in the apartments.
Number of kitchens: 35 kitchens, with basic cooking facilities.
Al Sulay district is a quiet residential neighborhood with all basic services such as shops, medical centers, restaurants, and cafes.
The area is close to main roads, making it easy to access other districts of Riyadh and public facilities.
Group rental possibility: Due to the large number of apartments, they can be fully rented for residential or commercial purposes, such as renting to workers or as a residential complex for a company.
Ideal facility distribution: The building provides a large number of rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens that suit the needs of many families or individuals.
Easy access: The building is located in a strategic area with easy access to various parts of Riyadh.
This building is an excellent investment opportunity for those looking for long-term investment in the capital Riyadh, as it provides the opportunity to rent a large number of residential units in a well-known and thriving area.
Price: The price depends on the contract terms and the required period.
The building consists of 35 apartments with a total of 134 rooms and 74 bathrooms, making it an ideal choice for investors, companies, or individuals looking for a large residential unit for rent in Riyadh.
Building details:
Number of apartments: 35 residential apartments distributed on different floors.
Number of rooms: 134 rooms, appropriately distributed within the apartments. The apartments include bedrooms, living rooms, and multi-purpose rooms as needed.
Number of bathrooms: 74 bathrooms distributed proportionally in the apartments.
Number of kitchens: 35 kitchens, with basic cooking facilities.
Al Sulay district is a quiet residential neighborhood with all basic services such as shops, medical centers, restaurants, and cafes.
The area is close to main roads, making it easy to access other districts of Riyadh and public facilities.
Group rental possibility: Due to the large number of apartments, they can be fully rented for residential or commercial purposes, such as renting to workers or as a residential complex for a company.
Ideal facility distribution: The building provides a large number of rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens that suit the needs of many families or individuals.
Easy access: The building is located in a strategic area with easy access to various parts of Riyadh.
This building is an excellent investment opportunity for those looking for long-term investment in the capital Riyadh, as it provides the opportunity to rent a large number of residential units in a well-known and thriving area.
Price: The price depends on the contract terms and the required period.
معلومات العقار
- نوع العقارعمارة سكنية
- نوع العرضللايجار
- رقم بيوت المرجعي87607230
- التأثيثغير مفروش
- تاريخ الإضافة5 يناير 2025
المزايا والخدمات
عداد كهرباء مستقل
معلومات ترخيص الإعلان
- رقم رخصة فال1200010046
- رقم ترخيص الإعلان7200397933
- تاريخ إصدار الترخيص4 يناير 2025
- تاريخ انتهاء الترخيص30 ديسمبر 2025
- المنطقةمنطقة الرياض
- المدينةالرياض
- الحيشرق الرياض
- اسم الشارعطريق الصفا
- الرمز البريدي14324
- رقم المبنى4952
- الرقم الاضافي7082
- خط العرض24.644092063289442
- خط الطول46.89191732768141
تفاصيل العقار
- نوع الإعلانللإيجار
- استخدام العقارسكني
- نوع العقارعمائر سكنية
- السعر1225000
- المساحة12319.54
- عدد الغرف134
خدمات العقار
- كهرباءنعم
تفاصيل اضافية
- عمر العقارخمس سنوات
- عرض الشارع30
- رقم المخطط3659
- رقم صك الملكية799640001983
- واجهة العقارشرقية
- حدود واطوال العقار-
- الضمانات والمدة-
- قنوات الاعلانمنصة مرخصة ،لوحة اعلانية ،منصات التواصل الإجتماعي ،الإذاعة ،أخرى
- هل يوجد اي التزام على العقار ؟لايوجد
- مطابقة لكود البناء السعوديYes
- العقار مرهونلا
- العقار مقيدلا
- رقم الأرض522
- ملاحظات-
حدود العقار/الملكية
- اسمشارع منحنى
- تفصيلعرض 25متر
- طولمائة و ثمانية و عشرون متر و خمسة و ثلاثون سنتمتر
- تفصيلممر مشاه عرض 73.56
- طولثلاثة و سبعون متر و ستة و خمسون سنتمتر
- تفصيلممر مشاه عرض 6متر
- طولسبعون متر
- اسمشارع
- تفصيلعرض 30متر + شارع عرض 60متر
- طولم + (49.12) م + (119.95) م
الموقع والأماكن القريبة
يتم جلب الموقع والتحقق منه بواسطة الهيئة العامة للعقاروصف موقع العقار حسب الصك:حي السلي بمدينة الرياض .
شركة علي فوزان محمد الفوزان واولاده
اسم المُعلن:Ali Fawzan Mohammed Al Fawzan and Sons Company